Character: Kirin
Series: Monster Hunter
Year: 2009
3o Place Individual - Anime Festival BH
1° Place Special - Anime Festival BH
AFC [2009 ~ 2010]: 700 points
This was one of the cosplays that I had more fun while doing it. I made everything by hand, even the sews... This costume is more like a lot of accessories together that makes a complete Costume. The Horn was made of polyestyrene, painted by hand with acrylics and glitter. The Swords were made of wood and everything else of plush and vinyl (It had a very cool snake pattern xD Monster Hunter is really an unique game, and Kirin Amor is just... love. It's by far the cutest thing ingame! <3 This one was the first try for Anime Festival Challenge, and even if I had a lot of problems on stage, I found myself kinda glad with the result.
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